Doors Refuse to Alter Lyrics to "Light My Fire," Banished from the Ed Sullivan Show

...By the mid-1960s, TV host Ed Sullivan usually made singers lip-synch, but when the Doors were scheduled to perform "Light My Fire" live, they were instructed to remove the phrase "we couldn't get much higher," because of its drug connotations. Morrison agreed, then left it in anyway..

You'll never be on this show again," a Sullivan representative told him. "We already have been," Morrison replied.

...The Rolling Stones, however, were more career-minded. Earlier that year, Sullivan's people told them to mind their manners and not sing "let's spend the night together," and Mick acceded and sang "Let's spend some time together."...

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Brian Wilson
Chrissie Hynde
Jerry Lee Lewis
Paul McCartney
Sly Stone